Wireless VoIP previews LTE capabilities

07/10/2009|R. Colin Johnson|EE Times : PORTLAND, Ore. — Starting in about 2012, 4th generation (4G) long-term evolution (LTE) technologies promise to convert today’s wireless mobile networks from dependence on traditional circuit switching to a flat, Internet Protocol (IP) networking architecture.

Reding Seeks More Attractive Mobile 3G Services in Europe

A mobile knowledge-based society in Europe can be created with more attractive 3G mobile services, which can also pave the way for LTE-based services. Excerpt from the 2009 Ludwig Erhard Lecture at the Lisbon Council in Brussels by European Telecoms and Media Commissioner Viviane Reding.

China Kicks off TD-LTE Test

SHENZHEN, Jul 09, 2009 (SinoCast Daily Business Beat via COMTEX) — China has started testing its 4G telecoms technology TD-LTE. Six telecoms networking gear makers such as China Putian have taken part in the test. They all have the ability to research and develop the TD-LTE technologies on their own. read more

Storms seen ahead for Voice over LTE

07/08/2009 | EE Times Europe : LONDON — The Voice over LTE via Generic Access (VoLGA) Forum has published the second version of its architecture specifications in an effort to introduce an alternative way to deliver voice services over Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks.

New Specs Deepen LTE Voice Dilemma

JULY 7, 2009 | Michelle Donegan: A T-Mobile International AG -backed industry group has advanced its efforts to introduce an alternative way to deliver voice services over Long Term Evolution (LTE) ne

LTE activity gathering pace

Wireless internet access is going to be a better, richer experience than fixed link access Professor Michael Walker, group R&D director at Vodafone told Wireless 2.0 conference in Bristol, organised by Silicon South-West.