4G Wireless Evolution – LTE Base Station Spending to Hit $3.3 Billion in 2011: Report

July 10, 2009| By Vivek Naik: An IT market research firm is reporting that wireless operators will spend about $3.3 billion on buying and building 142,000 Long Term Evolution base stations and related equipment throughout 2011.

July 10, 2009| By Vivek Naik: An IT market research firm is reporting that wireless operators will spend about $3.3 billion on buying and building 142,000 Long Term Evolution base stations and related equipment throughout 2011.

“Vendors will be shipping base station equipment in significant quantities in 2010 ahead of limited trials that typically last about a year, followed by full commercial launches,” said Nadine Manjaro, senior analyst at Wireless Infrastructure Research Service for ABI Research.

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