Wireless VoIP previews LTE capabilities

07/10/2009|R. Colin Johnson|EE Times : PORTLAND, Ore. — Starting in about 2012, 4th generation (4G) long-term evolution (LTE) technologies promise to convert today’s wireless mobile networks from dependence on traditional circuit switching to a flat, Internet Protocol (IP) networking architecture.

07/10/2009|R. Colin Johnson|EE Times : PORTLAND, Ore. — Starting in about 2012, 4th generation (4G) long-term evolution (LTE) technologies promise to convert today’s wireless mobile networks from dependence on traditional circuit switching to a flat, Internet Protocol (IP) networking architecture. But starting next month, wireless voice-over-IP services will begin previewing 4G-like capabilties for the “last mile” to the home.

One service to be launched in August is from Zer01 Communications, Inc. (Las Vegas). “Wireless VoIP still has to be proven, and some major companies [must] commit to using it, but companies like Zer01 are pioneering the all-IP wireless network ahead of LTE,” said Gartner Inc. research director Tole Hart

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