Laptops, netbooks to drive exponential mobile broadband growth

19 July 2009 | In a  Newly released forecasts by Coda Research Consultancy, a technology and media specialist show that portable laptop and notebook users accessing the internet via mobile broadband will produce US$48bn in operator revenues in 2017 with 418m people worldwide. LTE will lead to more traffic per user than for mobile broadband… Continue reading Laptops, netbooks to drive exponential mobile broadband growth

The LTE iPhone

Dan Jones from writes about iPhone & it’s possibility with LTE.

Best ever LTE transmitter efficiency

17 July 2009 – Nujira announced that it has achieved efficiencies of over 60% for an 880MHz LTE Power Amplifier, based on its commercially available Coolteq power modulator and Digital Pre Distortion

Mobile broadband use set to rocket

16 Jul 2009| Phil Muncaster: Portable laptop and netbook users accessing the internet via mobile broadband will generate $48bn (£29bn) in revenues by 2017, according to new figures from technology res