Best ever LTE transmitter efficiency

17 July 2009 – Nujira announced that it has achieved efficiencies of over 60% for an 880MHz LTE Power Amplifier, based on its commercially available Coolteq power modulator and Digital Pre Distortion

17 July 2009 – Nujira announced that it has achieved efficiencies of over 60% for an 880MHz LTE Power Amplifier, based on its commercially available Coolteq power modulator and Digital Pre Distortion (DPD) solution. These are the highest efficiencies ever achieved for an LTE signal.

Tim Haynes, Nujira CEO, said, “Spectrum clearance is now occurring on a worldwide basis due to the rollout of Digital TV Broadcast and these results demonstrate conclusively that the benefits of our technology are as impressive at these lower frequencies just as they are at 2GHz or 10GHz. We have a solution irrespective of frequency or modulation.

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