Tecore Networks to Show LTE Network-in-a-Box in CCA 2015 Spring Expo

Tecore Networks, a 3G/4G LTE mobile network infrastructure supplier , will be featuring its complete LTE Network-in-a-Box (NIB), at the Competitive Carrier Associations (CCA) 2015 Spring Expo taking place March 25-27 at the Downtown Hilton Atlanta in Georgia. 

Tecore Networks, a 3G/4G LTE mobile network infrastructure supplier , will be featuring its complete LTE Network-in-a-Box (NIB), at the Competitive Carrier Associations (CCA) 2015 Spring Expo taking place March 25-27 at the Downtown Hilton Atlanta in Georgia. 

The Network-in-a-Box (NIB) solution is built on the patented iCore software defined core network. This platform delivers 3G/4G LTE service and facilitates the incorporation of key capabilities such as VoLTE for smaller service providers. According to company, the NIB allows for full network capability at the edge, while seamlessly integrating with the rest of the network infrastructure. In any case that connectivity is lost to the cloud; the localized capabilities of the NIB provide continued operation for local subscribers.

Tecore will also be showcasing the 3G/4G LTE RAVEN platform specifically designed for rapid deployment of network services and capabilities. Like the NIB, the RAVEN provides full LTE capability as a standalone unit or as an integrated element of the network infrastructure. The portability of the system (small enough to qualify as carry-on luggage on a commercial flight) supports rapid deployment for emergency and disaster recovery situations.


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