European Commission Adds More Radio Spectrum for 4G

The European Commission announced addition of 120 MHz to the radio spectrum portfolio for LTE technology, around the 2 GHz band. Currently this band is used for 3G UMTS networks. It is mandatory for EU Member States to open the relevant spectrum by 30 June 2014 at the latest. 

The European Commission announced addition of 120 MHz to the radio spectrum portfolio for LTE technology, around the 2 GHz band. Currently this band is used for 3G UMTS networks. It is mandatory for EU Member States to open the relevant spectrum by 30 June 2014 at the latest. 

With this extra spectrum for LTE, EU expects to meet the changing and growing demand for broadband. The Decision enforces the harmonized liberalization of the 2 GHz band (1920-1980 MHz paired with 2110-2170 MHz) in all Member States, avoiding internal market fragmentation in the future use of this band. The paired terrestrial 2 GHz band has been traditionally used by UMTS communications.

European Commission is also considering a follow-up measure on the unpaired terrestrial 2 GHz spectrum (1900-1920 MHz and 2010-2025 MHz) which is currently allocated to use by UMTS networks but remains unused throughout the EU. With such an initiative, Commission aims at ensure efficient use of the unpaired bands by considering alternative applications to terrestrial mobile broadband. In this regard, the Commission has already issued a Mandate to CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) to study suitable applications and develop appropriate technical conditions and sharing arrangement.

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