Hrvatski Telekom testing LTE in Croatia

Croatian telecommunication services provider Hrvatski Telekom has started LTE testing with select users.

Croatian telecommunication services provider Hrvatski Telekom has started LTE testing with select users. Following the contest, which was released in early July, HT selected users in Zagreb, Rijeka and Split are testing LTE technology. Hrvatski Telekom plans to launch commercial LTE services during 2012.

Hrvatski Telekom has selected one hundred selected users from private, business and media representatives who are in the coverage of LTE signal. A large number of users showed interest to test 4G mobile network. Test phase will last until 30 September 2011. The HT will collect user experience to the future commercial operation of LTE networks to provide the best quality service and a top speed of surfing. 

Operator demonstrated LTE test network in October last year for the first time live in Croatia and by the end of March this year established a video conference call between Rijeka and Zagreb via LTE. LTE Testing by users is a further step in implementing LTE technology which will enable its commercial rollout by HT.

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