Nokia Siemens Networks to terminate TD-LTE venture with Huawei

After acquiring majority of Motorola’s wireless network infrastructure assets for US $1.2 billion, Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) is said to be terminating a joint venture of TD-LTE development with

After acquiring majority of Motorola’s wireless network infrastructure assets for US $1.2 billion, Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) is said to be terminating a joint venture of TD-LTE development with Huawei.

NSN’s Greater China Region president Zhang Zhiqiang said in a recent interview that the company has decided to develop TD-LTE technology independently in future.

TD Tech & TD-SCDMA technology joint venture was established by Siemens Communications Group and Huawei in 2005.

Earlier this year in April, Nokia Siemens Networks had opened a TD-LTE Open Lab at its Hangzhou R&D facility to provide an end-to-end testing environment for verifying the compatibility of terminals and devices with the company’s TD-LTE network products and solutions.

source: Marbridge Consulting 

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