LTE haunts WiMax again

March 30, 2010 – Reuters – Just as WiMax mobile broadband technology starts to recover from losing the big battle for industry dominance to Long Term Evolution (LTE), a new version of LTE is attack

March 30, 2010 – Reuters – Just as WiMax mobile broadband technology starts to recover from losing the big battle for industry dominance to Long Term Evolution (LTE), a new version of LTE is attacking it in its newly secured niche.

During 2008 and 2009 one mobile operator after another chose LTE, a natural evolution of their current 3G networks, over data-centric WiMax for their next generation, more efficient mobile networks.

But over the last few quarters mobile WiMax has carved out a space for itself as a supporting wireless technology to handle heavy mobile data traffic in mature markets, and as a solution for alternative carriers in emerging markets.

Read Full : Reuters

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