LTE Interference Into Domestic Digital Television Systems

As part of the Digital Dividend Review (DDR), Ofcom commissioned Cobham Technical Services – ERA Technology to carry out a measurement study in order to answer the following questions:

As part of the Digital Dividend Review (DDR), Ofcom commissioned Cobham Technical Services – ERA Technology to carry out a measurement study in order to answer the following questions:

  1. Can localised interference from non-co channel LTE handsets situated 2.5 m or more from the TV receive system be sufficiently high as to cause interference to either the TV video or audio output or cause any degradation in the receiver sensitivity in a typical domestic installation?
  2. If any form of interference is experienced under what circumstances does this occur (e.g. distance, image channel) and where is the main point of breakthrough (e.g. cable or TV)?
  3. Are there simple, cost-effective practical measures that may be used to overcome any problems experienced (e.g. better screened fly-leads and the fitting of a filter in the aerial downlead)?


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