Femtocells in spotlight as new route to LTE

February 26, 2010 | The Register – As expected, femtocells are one of the big themes of this year’s Mobile World Congress.

February 26, 2010 | The Register – As expected, femtocells are one of the big themes of this year’s Mobile World Congress.

Operators like Vodafone UK, its joint venture SFR in France, Softbank in Japan and AT&T in the US are getting serious about their HSPA femto deployments in the home, and the industry is looking ahead to ‘greater femtocells’ – the ones that get beyond the living room into enterprises and the great outdoors.

Among a host of announcements, the leading silicon supplier for this segment, picoChip, was working hard to maintain its headstart as Qualcomm and others gear up to enter the market. It announced no fewer than six new customers, many coming from the Taiwanese ecosystem that is so vital to the mass adoption and price competitiveness of any emerging consumer product.

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