How Alcatel-Lucent Is Driving Next-Gen Networks

BusinessWeek – It’s no accident that Alcatel-Lucent will showcase its “LTE connected car,” which brings cloud computing to moving vehicles, at the industry’s annual Mobile World Congress in Barcelo

BusinessWeek – It’s no accident that Alcatel-Lucent will showcase its “LTE connected car,” which brings cloud computing to moving vehicles, at the industry’s annual Mobile World Congress in Barcelona from Feb. 15 to 18. This year marks the start of the “LTE decade,” a new epoch in which the mobile industry will graduate to the next generation of faster, higher-capacity wireless networks known as Long-Term Evolution.

But to make LTE a success, gear makers must help drive the creation of money-making mobile Internet services or there will be little return for carriers on their multi-billion dollar network investments. LTE can’t just be a faster way to do the same old things: It has to kick off whole new ways to use wireless communications.

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