Android, LTE Set to Dominate in Barcelona

February 11, 2010 | PCWorld – An abundance of products based on Google’s Android OS as well as modems for the next-generation mobile network technology LTE (Long-Term Evolution) will greet visitors

February 11, 2010 | PCWorld – An abundance of products based on Google’s Android OS as well as modems for the next-generation mobile network technology LTE (Long-Term Evolution) will greet visitors at Mobile World Congress, which starts on Monday in Barcelona.

Last year’s show lacked big news surrounding Android, but since then the platform has gained a lot of traction and is now ready to dominate this year’s event, market research company CCS Insight wrote in a recent research note.

More than 50 products are expected to be on display on the show floor, including smartphones, netbooks and tablets, according to CCS Insight. Alcatel, Dell, HTC, Huawei, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and ZTE are all expected to launch products, the note said.

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