LTE Watch: Size Matters

January 29, 2010 | Unstrung – Stop us if you’ve heard this before, but in the world of Long Term Evolution (LTE), size matters — even if an operator can work to make the most of the channel size that

January 29, 2010 | Unstrung – Stop us if you’ve heard this before, but in the world of Long Term Evolution (LTE), size matters — even if an operator can work to make the most of the channel size that they’ve been blessed with:

That’s the simple reason why TeliaSonera AB (Nasdaq: TLSN)’s initial LTE network offers faster download speeds than Verizon Wireless is promising for its proto-4G network. The Swedish operator networks have tested at around 25Mbit/s on the downlink; Verizon is so far promising 5Mbit/s to 12Mbit/s. (See The Confusing World of LTE Speeds.)

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