‘3.9G’ cell phone world nearly here

December 5, 2009 (The Yomiuri Shimbun) — The world of cell phones is about to change, again, with the start of “3.9G” next-generation services next year that will allow mobile phones to transfer data

December 5, 2009 (The Yomiuri Shimbun) — The world of cell phones is about to change, again, with the start of “3.9G” next-generation services next year that will allow mobile phones to transfer data at near fiber-optic speed.

This souped-up transmission speed is expected to spur new uses for cell phones, such as users being able to access via handsets huge amounts of data and software from externally hosted servers.

At a technology expo in Chiba in early October, KDDI Corp. (OOTC:KDDIY) had a booth at which two people played a car racing game against each other to demonstrate the potential of future cell phone handsets.

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