France Fires Up Femtocells

November 24, 2009 | Unstrung – French mobile operator SFR launched a 3G femtocell service today using petit base stations from Ubiquisys Ltd.

November 24, 2009 | Unstrung – French mobile operator SFR launched a 3G femtocell service today using petit base stations from Ubiquisys Ltd.

SFR is the second operator to launch a femtocell service in Europe, after Vodafone UK in (where else?) the U.K., and the second commercial customer for femto maker Ubiquisys, after Softbank in Japan.

With the new femto service, dubbed “SFR Home 3G,” SFR is targeting customers that suffer from poor indoor 3G coverage with a standalone femtocell access point. The femtocell is not integrated into the operator’s Neufbox residential gateways.

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