Research and Markets: Australia – Mobile Data – HSPA & LTE

September 3, 2009 | Research and Markets has announced the addition of the “Australia – Mobile Data – HSPA & LTE” report to their offering.

September 3, 2009 | Research and Markets has announced the addition of the “Australia – Mobile Data – HSPA & LTE” report to their offering.

The market for mobile data services is critically poised in Australia as operators progressively roll out faster and faster networks to support data services. All the major operators are currently rolling out networks based on the High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) standard. These firms are expected to provide even faster mobile data speeds from around late 2010 or early 2011 based on another related standard, Long Term Evolution (LTE). LTE will support services featuring data rates of at least tens of Mb/s per user. Critically HSPA and LTE also enable network operators to move towards an all IP network environment which may reduce complexity and lower operating costs. This report provides information and analysis of the major HSPA networks in Australia and considers the prospects for operators as they move towards deploying LTE.

Table of Contents

1. Synopsis
2. High-speed mobile networks
2.1 HSPA
2.2 LTE
3. Australian mobile network operators
3.1 Telstra
3.1.1 Network overview
3.1.2 Network speed, coverage and services
3.2 Hutchison
3.2.1 HSDPA network upgrade
3.2.2 Leading discounted mobile broadband
3.3 Vodafone
3.3.1 HSPA launch
3.4 Optus
3.4.1 HSPA network
4. Mobile data market
4.1 Overview and analysis
4.2 4G LTE and 3G HSPA at 42Mb/s
4.3 3G HSDPA steaming ahead
4.4 HSPA threat to SMS
4.5 Neutral broadband connections for HSDPA
5. Mobile broadband applications
5.1 Study reveals positive impact by Next G
6. Related reports
Exhibit 1 – Key issues for Mobility Industry


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