Mobile Infrastructure Market Expected to Decline 10 Percent Over Next Five Years

July 31, 2009 | According to newly released report by Dell’Oro Group, mobile infrastructure market revenues are forecast to decline almost 10 percent over the next five years.

July 31, 2009 | According to newly released report by Dell’Oro Group, mobile infrastructure market revenues are forecast to decline almost 10 percent over the next five years. The report indicates that the retreat will be greatest in the first two years, during which time the market is forecast to reach revenue levels not seen since 2004.

Senior Analyst of Mobile Infrastructure research at Dell’Oro Group, Scott Siegler stated that After this period, the market is expected to recover slowly with low yearly single-digit growth through 2013. “The market has been experiencing and will continue to experience very steep price erosion.  

“Competition among vendors, particularly in India and China that have increasingly become instrumental market drivers, is putting a tight squeeze on vendors’ margins.” stated Siegler.

To know further about report visit Dell’Oro Group.

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