4G Wireless Evolution – LTE Decides the Future of Wireless Mobile – Visant Strategies

July 23, 2009 | In its new report titled, “LTE  for many operators, if not almost all operators, is the 4G end goal for upgrading wireless networks,” Visant Strategies states that as operators deploy LTE the technology shows the promise of robust growth the first half of this next decade.

July 23, 2009 | In its new report titled, “LTE  for many operators, if not almost all operators, is the 4G end goal for upgrading wireless networks,” Visant Strategies states that as operators deploy LTE the technology shows the promise of robust growth the first half of this next decade.

LTE is the fourth generation of radio technologies which aims at enhancing the capacity and speed of mobile telephone networks. Beginning in 2009, most of the mobile carriers in the United States and several worldwide carriers have announced their intentions to convert their networks to LTE.

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