GSA: 1,371 LTE User Devices Launched

GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) confirms that 132 manufacturers have announced 1,371 LTE-enabled user devices, including frequency and carrier variants. The number includes 705 new LTE user devices that were launched in the past year. During same period, the number of manufacturers increased by 52%.

NSN Announces Enhanced Voice Call Continuity for VoLTE, Increased LTE Data Rates

Nokia Solutions and Networks has launched voice call continuity (VCC) to complement Voice over LTE (VoLTE) by enabling seamless handovers to 2G or 3G networks. According to company, the enhanced solution optimizes VoLTE network connection quality and control with better bearer switching and shorter delay.

Scartel to Launch VoLTE in Russia

Russian mobile service provider Scartel has implemented VoLTE (voice over LTE) with SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity) using Huawei’s solution. Following implementation of the solution, Scartel is now technologically capable of supporting voice calls on its LTE network.