Verizon Now Offers LTE for IoT Devices

Verizon, this week announced the availability of the world’s first Cat1 LTE network features for IoT, along with new tools for itsThingSpace IoT applications platform that enable developers “to quickly and easily connect their devices to the Internet.”

Verizon and AT&T Plan VoLTE Interoperability by 2015

Verizon and AT&T plan to enable VoLTE- to-VoLTE connections between Verizon Wireless and AT&T customers in 2015. Verizon introduced its Advanced Calling 1.0 services across the United States in September.  AT&T introduced VoLTE services in its initial markets earlier this year, and continues to expand to more markets across the United States.

Verizon CDMA iPhone 4 announced

Verizon Wireless and Apple today announced that the iPhone® 4 will be available on the Verizon Wireless network beginning on Thursday, February 10, ending year long speculation of possible iPhone r