EE Brings LTE Network to 200th Town in UK

UK’s EE has added the seaside town of Rhyl in North Wales as the 200th town to its LTE coverage area. Operator switched on LTE network in 13 towns across the UK this week, bringing the total to 200 places and 72% of the UK population.

GSA: 1800 MHz Prime Band for LTE Deployments Worldwide

There are 120 commercially launched LTE1800 networks in 63 countries, according to a recent GSA (the Global mobile Suppliers Association) report. So far 279 LTE networks have been commercially launched in 101 countries.

Rogers Switches on 700 MHz Spectrum

Canadian mobile service provider Rogers has turned on 700 MHz spectrum in select Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto communities earlier today. With this addition, operator aims to provide mobile video experience to its customers in even more places where they couldn’t access LTE before.

Virgin Mobile Launches LTE Service in France

French mobile virtual network operator Virgin Mobile has launched LTE service over the SFR and Bouygues Telecom networks in France. Operator had signed agreements with mobile operator SFR and Bouygues Telecom last year and had announced intent to launch LTE service first half of 2014.