NSN: 87% Jump in Indian Mobile Data Traffic in 2013

A recent report from Nokia Solutions and Networks, on mobile broadband performance in India, reveals a 87% rise in data traffic generated by 2G and 3G services during 2013. According to the NSN’s MBit Index, 3G data traffic increased by 146% where as 2G data traffic grew by 59% over the same period.

LTE Summit 2011 in India

3G has been already rolled out in the India successfully and Operators are now looking ahead to provide full fledge mobile broadband services to their customers. <

NEC Eyes Femtocell Market in India

Earlier this week NEC announced the launch of 3G Femtocell solution in India to enable operators to offer high-quality, high-speed 3G mobile services to its enterprise

Qualcomm to Exit Indian BWA Business?

Qualcomm, which won BWA spectrum for four circles in India at Rs 4,913 crore, is in talks to exit the business. BWA auction took place earlier this year and  concluded in June.