80 Commercial LTE Systems in Service Now

A recent LTE report from GSA confirms that commercial networks quadrupled in 12 months and so far 80 LTE operators have launched commercial services. In 2012, 33 networks has been launched till June 4. This figure includes 7 commercial LTE TDD systems which are launched in Brazil, India, Japan, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Sweden.

Smartphones and Tablets Leading Growth, 347 LTE User Devices Till Date

Recently published GSA report confirms that 63 manufacturers have announced 347 LTE-enabled user devices so far. In 2011. around 250 new LTE user devices were added. GSA further says that the number of smartphones has increased by one third since January 2012. The number of LTE-capable tablets increased 72% in the same period.

62 commercial networks support DC-HSPA+, drives HSPA investments

Despite faster operator commitments for LTE deployment, HSPA investments are not slowing down. Confirming that HSPA+ is quickly expanding, GSA reports that a total of 241 operators have committed to HSPA+ network deployments, representing an increase of over 62% in the past year. HSPA+ networks are being deployed in 106 countries, 39 countries more than… Continue reading 62 commercial networks support DC-HSPA+, drives HSPA investments