GSA: 948 LTE User Devices By Manufacturers Globally

Recent GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) report confirms that 100 manufacturers have announced 948 LTE-enabled user devices, including frequency and carrier variants. 531 new LTE user devices were launched in the past year while the number of manufacturers increased by almost 50% in this period.

474 New LTE Devices Launched in Past Year

GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) reports that 97 manufacturers have announced 821 LTE-enabled user devices, including frequency and carrier variants. Of these, 474 new LTE user devices were launched in the past year. 

GSA: 156 Commercial LTE Networks Live Globally

In a recent LTE report, GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) has confirmed that 412 operators are investing in LTE technology in 125 countries across the globe. This year so far 11 commercial launches have taken place where as 98 operators commercially launched LTE service in the past 12 months.

GSA: 400 New LTE User Devices Announced in 2012

In a recent report GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) confirmed that 87 manufacturers have announced 666 LTE-enabled user devices, including frequency and carrier variants. Approximately 400 new LTE user devices were announced in 2012 and the number of manufacturers grew by 52% during the same period.

GSA: 145 LTE Networks in Commercial Service

GSA has confirmed that 145 operators have launched commercial services in 66 countries so far. GSA further reports that 104 new operators have committed to invest in LTE network deployments in 2012, raising the total number of committed operators to 330 in 104 countries.

GSA: 113 Commercial LTE Networks Worldwide

According to latest GSA report, 113 operators have launched commercial LTE networks in 51 countries. Number of operators, investing in LTE, has gone up by 45%  in a year to 360.

GSA: Over 50 Mobile Networks with HD Voice Service

GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) has confirmed that 51 mobile networks in 38 countries have launched HD voice services. 127 phones supporting HD Voice (W-AMR) have been announced so far by 14 manufacturers, report adds. Most of these devices operate on 3G/HSPA networks, with some working on GSM networks and some on LTE networks (VoLTE).

GSA: 105 Commercial LTE Networks Worldwide

Latest report from GSA puts number of commercial LTE networks to 105 in 48 countries around the globe. 58 operators have launched commercial LTE services since beginning of year. In total, 351 operators are investing in LTE, which is 41% more than a year ago.

GSA: 96 Commercial LTE Networks in 46 countries

GSA has confirmed that 96 operators have launched commercial LTE services in 46 countries so far. According to GSA, 347 telecoms operators in 104 countries are committed to commercial LTE network deployments or are engaged in trials, technology testing or studies. 68 operators have launched commercial LTE services in the past 12 months.