Moldcell Opens LTE Network for Tests

Moldova’s mobile service provider, Moldcell has launched a 4G testing area at Moldcell cafe, located in capital, within a few days after obtaining its 4G license. Operator is inviting all those interested to test the LTE functionality using different terminals.

Latest Status & Update of LTE Advanced

Originally, when the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) determined what was considered 4G, LTE, WiMAX, and HSPA+ did not make the cut. However, operators began using ‘4G’ term for LTE WiMAX and HSPA+ as they started commercial roll outs, making ITU to reconsider its position.

Ofcom Announces LTE Spectrum Auction Plan

UK regulator, Ofcom has announced a timetable for the 4G LTE mobile spectrum auction. This new spectrum will almost double the amount of bandwidth currently available to 3G networks. Ofcom has confirmed reserve prices for the different lots of spectrum to £1.3 billion and has set the auction rules, from applying to bidding.