3GPP Announces New Release 17 Schedule

Earlier this month, 3GPP Technical Specification Groups (TSG) announced a firm Release 17 timeline after considering the effects that e-meetings in 2020 had on the work’s progress and the pressure that cancellation of all face-to-face meetings has created.

5G Tool box in MATLAB: Possibilities and Limitations

MATLAB has introduced its 5G Toolbox, which provides standards compliant waveforms and reference examples for modeling, simulation, and verification of the physical layer of 3GPP 5G New Radio (NR) communications systems. 5G Toolbox can be used  to design algorithms and predict end-to-end link performance of systems that conform to the 5G Release 15 standard.

3GPP Road to 5G Massive Internet of Things

In last few years, Internet of Things (IoT) standards have evolved considerably to provide seamless convergence of the digital and the physical world. IoT allows applications, machines connected to the network to communicate among them or with servers without human intervention.

3GPP Achieves 5G Phase 1 System Architecture Milestone

3GPP has completed 3GPP 5G architecture stage 2 level specifications. With this Release 15 milestone, 3GPP has provided the set of features and functionality needed for deploying a commercially operational 5G system. The delivered specifications are TS 23.501, TS 23.502 and TS 23.503.

Telecom Standard Bodies Prep for IMT-2020

Last week, ITU-R Workshop on IMT-2020 terrestrial radio interfaces was held in Munich, Germany with main objective to outline the process of submission/reception of the Radio Interface Technology (RIT)/set of RIT (SRIT) proposals and acknowledgment of receipt.