Russian experts discuss LTE with 3GPP

Russian telecommunications experts have discussed the Regions’ needs with 3GPP Chairmen and leading officials in a In a pre-conference seminar, reports 3GPP.

Russian telecommunications experts have discussed the Regions’ needs with 3GPP Chairmen and leading officials in a In a pre-conference seminar, reports 3GPP.

3GPP seminar was held on 24th May in Moscow. The 3GPP Seminar: Evolving Networks to LTE – 3GPP Perspective featured technical presentations and a Panel session with the main Russian Operators, where the road-map to LTE was discussed.

Few days earlier Russian opertor Yota had declared to go LTE way, see Scartel to abandon Wimax, aims for LTE. Yota operates on the same bands as Clearwire (2.5 GHz). 

Presentations are available at 3GPP website follow the links below.