Sprint to Add LTE in 20 More Cities

Sprint’s 4G LTE network build is progressing in more than 20 additional cities within its nationwide 3G footprint. Operator plans to announce commercial availability 4G LTE in these cities in the coming months, followed by continued enhancements in coverage, performance and reliability.

Vodacom Switches on LTE Network in South Africa

Vodacom has launched commercial LTE services in South Africa. The service is initially available in Johannesburg, with other cities to follow in the near future. The LTE service will initially be accessible via approximately 70 base stations in Johannesburg. 

Huawei Completes LTE to GSM CSFB Test

Huawei has announced that it had completed a LTE to GSM CSFB (Circuit Switched Fallback) test to reduce voice setup delays from LTE to GSM network by two seconds, improve handover success rates and provide end users with better voice experience on GSM/LTE networks.

Ericsson Demonstrates Enhanced Voice Fallback for TD-LTE

Ericsson and Qualcomm have demonstrated Release 9 Circuit Switched Fall Back (CSFB) from LTE TDD (TD-LTE) to GSM, live, using a standard Ericsson radio base station RBS 6000 and an LTE multimode chipset from Qualcomm. With this achievement, both LTE FDD and LTE TDD modes, using un-paired spectrum, could also make use of the broad… Continue reading Ericsson Demonstrates Enhanced Voice Fallback for TD-LTE

MTS Launches 4G LTE Services in Manitoba

Communications service provider MTS has introduced LTE Wireless technology in Manitoba, Canada. According to company, customers on MTS’s 4G LTE Network have been enjoying even faster speeds since the end of August.