LTE activity gathering pace

Wireless internet access is going to be a better, richer experience than fixed link access Professor Michael Walker, group R&D director at Vodafone told Wireless 2.0 conference in Bristol, organised by Silicon South-West.

Is voice over LTE a conundrum?

July 6, 2009| By Lynnette Luna: I find it odd that the first deployments of Long Term Evolution (LTE) are coming this year despite warnings that the current generation of technology cannot support cir

EDGE, HSPA, LTE: Broadband Innovation

A detailed white paper published by 3G Americas on the innovations that have delivered capabilities on a global scale never previously achieved. Paper includes information on capabilities, evolution and competitive position of EDGE, HSPA and LTE technologies. Includes performance and spectral efficiency comparisons. 2008.

What Is the Value of Nortel’s LTE Patents?

July 05, 2009| Nortel may be trying to sell its LTE R&D unit to Nokia Siemens (NOK, SI) but there’s a lot of chatter about what’s not part of the deal: some LTE patents.The talk was triggered by a