GSA: 113 Commercial LTE Networks Worldwide

According to latest GSA report, 113 operators have launched commercial LTE networks in 51 countries. Number of operators, investing in LTE, has gone up by 45%  in a year to 360.

According to latest GSA report, 113 operators have launched commercial LTE networks in 51 countries. Number of operators, investing in LTE, has gone up by 45%  in a year to 360.

Report further adds that 195 commercial network deployments are in progress and forecasts that 209 networks will be commercially launched in 75 countries by the end of 2013. 308 operators across the globe have either launched LTE service or firmly committed to deploy commercial LTE networks in 94 countries.

GSA also confirmed that 521 LTE user devices (including operator and frequency variants) have been announced by 79 manufacturers that amounts 164% increase compared to one year ago.