GSA: 150+ Operators Investing in LTE

According to a recent GSA report on LTE Evolution, 113 firm LTE network deployments are planned or in progress in 46 countries, including 7 systems which have commercially launched. 

According to a recent GSA report on LTE Evolution, 113 firm LTE network deployments are planned or in progress in 46 countries, including 7 systems which have commercially launched. 

Report states that a further 43 operators are in process of LTE pilot trials or technology tests before commiting for comercial services. 

In total 156 operators in 64 countries are now on LTE map and have either committed to deploy LTE or are in process of pre-commitment trials.

As per GSA, countries with comerical LTE are Norway (TeliaSonera), Sweden (TeliaSonera) Uzbekistan (MTS, UCell), Poland (Mobyland and CenterNet), USA (MetroPCS) & Austria (Mobilkom Austria)

Report is available at GSA link.