Earlier we had discussed about WiMAX & LTE. See earlier blog WiMAX or LTE : which one is better? for more.

Earlier we had discussed about WiMAX & LTE. See earlier blog WiMAX or LTE : which one is better? for more.  The vendors have their own views on these two 4G technologies, and the operators theirs. Consumers does not think about technology. It is about speed and seamless connectivity, and not having to buy different devices to operate on different platforms.

IntoMobile has published a very informative article comparing WiMAX & LTE. 

“But, with heavyweights behind both the LTE and WiMAX 4G technologies battling it out for mind share (that’s you, silly), it can be confusing to figure out which side of the great wireless Internet divide you should be sitting. That’s where IntoMobile comes in. This is where we break down the pros and cons of each technology to help you decide whether or not to go with WiMAX now or wait for LTE in the near future.” says the article LTE vs WiMAX – The 4G Mobile Broadband Shootout

See below the image from IntoMobile.