What will LTE-Advanced deliver?

According to a presentation “3GPP Technology Standards Roadmap” from Stephen Hayes, Chair 3GPP-SA, LTE-Advanced would

According to a presentation “3GPP Technology Standards Roadmap” from Stephen Hayes, Chair 3GPP-SA, LTE-Advanced would be the main feature of 3GPP Release 10 and includes following features.

Support for wider Bandwidth (Up to 100MHz)

Downlink transmission scheme

    – Improvements to LTE by using 8×8 MIMO
    – Data rates of 100Mb/s with high mobility and 1Gb/s with low mobility

Up link transmission scheme

    – Improvements to LTE
    – Data rates up to 500Mb/s

Relay functionality

    – Improving cell edge coverage
    – More efficient coverage in rural areas

CoMP (coordinated multiple point transmission and reception)

    – Downlink coordinated multi-point transmission
    – Uplink coordinated multi-point reception

Local IP Access (LIPA) & Enhanced HNB to allow traffic off-load

LTE-Advanced Requirements are specified in 3GPP TR 36.913 and Final submission to ITU-R was done in Oct 2009 by 3GPP. Completion of LTE-Advanced specifications by 3GPP is expected in 2010 / 2011 timeframe.