SWAN Launches LTE Service in Slovakia

Slovakia’s telecommunications provider SWAN has launched LTE service in 50 towns across Slovakia. For now the service is available for more than 30 percent of the population, while the coverage should increase along with gradual expansion of Swan’s network.

Slovakia’s telecommunications provider SWAN has launched LTE service in 50 towns across Slovakia. For now the service is available for more than 30 percent of the population, while the coverage should increase along with gradual expansion of Swan’s network.

The LTE data service, sold under the name 4G Internet v1.0, will be available until the end of this year. As of now operator is offering LTE service for the initial fee of €5 and monthly fee of €5 . For this price subscribers will be able to use mobile data services with the speed up to 50/10 Mbit per second.

Last year SWAN won the tender to obtain 2 times 15 MHz in 1800 MHz band to build a high-speed data transfer network.

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