MTS, Nokia Test VoLTE Voice and Video Call

Russia’s telecommunications operator MTS has completed the Voice over LTE (VoLTE) call on a telco cloud infrastructure using Nokia’s technology. The end-to-end testing was successfully conducted in the operator’s live LTE network with  user devices. 

Russia’s telecommunications operator MTS has completed the Voice over LTE (VoLTE) call on a telco cloud infrastructure using Nokia’s technology. The end-to-end testing was successfully conducted in the operator’s live LTE network with  user devices. 

Operator tested LTE voice services using virtualized network, Nokia equipment. Supported by Nokia’s commercial portfolio and a cloud management system that controls the VoLTE applications in MTS’s private telco cloud, the companies demonstrated the telco cloud readiness of end-to-end VoLTE. 

To enable the live VoLTE tests, MTS’s LTE radio network supplied by Nokia was complemented with telco cloud based voice core technology, including its IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), Telephony Application Server (TAS) and Home Subscriber Server (HSS). The company’s Cloud Application Manager provided automated deployment and management of all cloud applications. Nokia’s Professional Services for VoLTE helped the operator ready the architecture and design of its network to enable multi-vendor integration and core migration.

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