DOCOMO Extends LTE Discount Offer

Japanese operator NTT DOCOMO has extended the discount for it’s LTE service Xi from May 1 to September 30, 2012.

Japanese operator NTT DOCOMO has extended the discount for it’s LTE service Xi from May 1 to September 30, 2012. According to the operator, subscribers that opted for packet flat-rate and data service plans will automatically receive a ¥1,050 discount on their basic monthly charges.

At present, Xi subscribers are scheduled to receive monthly discounts of ¥1,575 through April 30. With this offer they will continue to enjoy discounts until the end of September. Both billing Plans Xi Packet Flat-Rate & Xi Data Plan are being discounted.

Operator had earlier introduced new billing plans at the beginning of October, including a flat-rate plan suited to heavy data users and a new two-tiered plan that allows moderate data users to pay as they go up to a set limit.

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