Alcatel-Lucent goes live in the Public Safety demonstration network

Alcatel-Lucent has gone live at LTE emergency communications demonstration network in Boulder, CO, which is being managed by the Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program.

Alcatel-Lucent has gone live at LTE emergency communications demonstration network in Boulder, CO, which is being managed by the Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program.

The PSCR program is a partnership of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Law Enforcement Standards Office and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The PSCR provides objective technical support—research, development, testing and evaluation—in order to foster nationwide public safety communications interoperability. 

Alcatel-Lucent formally joined the PSCR demonstration project in September 2010 and provided a complete end-to-end LTE solution according to company statement.

“The demonstration network developed by the joint NIST-NTIA Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) program is an important part of the strategy for a nationwide interoperable Public Safety Broadband network in 700 MHz. Here in the Boulder area, we will provide a common field environment for manufacturers, carriers, and public safety agencies to test and evaluate advanced broadband communications equipment and software tailored specifically to the needs of emergency first responders.” explained Derek Orr, Program Manager, NIST/OLES, Public Safety Communications.

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