T-Mobile in Talks to Use Harbinger’s LTE Network

According to a report from FT, T-Mobile USA, Deutsche Telekom’s US subsidiary, has held early stage talks with Harbinger about the possibility of becoming a wholesale customer on the Harbinger’s 4G

According to a report from FT, T-Mobile USA, Deutsche Telekom’s US subsidiary, has held early stage talks with Harbinger about the possibility of becoming a wholesale customer on the Harbinger’s 4G LTE network. 

Harbinger plans build a nationwide, wholesale LTE network. In March Harbinger had unveiled plans to build a 4G network next year, and the infrastructure may cover the entire US population because it involves satellite technology.

Robert Dotson, head of T-Mobile USA, said in March the operator was eyeing options that could give it access to additional spectrum for 4G services.

source:FT | Read full story


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