Long Term Evolution 2009: The Role of LTE in Mobile Wireless Networks through 2015

A new report from Research and Markets.

A new report from Research and Markets.

This study is an evaluation of the market for LTE-based services, devices, selling points and infrastructure on a world-by-region basis. Annual shipments and revenues for LTE handsets, base stations and femtocells are given for each region as are LTE subscribers, revenues, average revenue per unit and LTE femtocell subscribers and revenues.

The report considers key business and technical drivers for LTE deployment and it juxtaposes LTE against the main competing technologies of HSPA+ and WiMAX. A regional analysis is also provided covering key operators, LTE deployment schedules, price points and trends. The report seeks to both quantify the opportunity for LTE technology and delineate its progression and technical attributes through 2015.

Key Topics and Question Answered

– When will LTE gain momentum?
– How long will carriers upgrade their existing WCDMA/CDMA systems?
– LTE deployment timeframe by region
– Regional analysis
– LTE versus WiMAX and HSPA+
– LTE market drivers
– Economics of LTE
– Key features of LTE
– Which operators will commercialize LTE

Quantifies Through 2015

– LTE handset shipments and revenues by region
– LTE subscribers, revenues and average revenue per unit by region
– LTE base station shipments, deployments and revenues by region
– LTE femtocell subscribers and revenues by region
– LTE femtocell shipments and revenues by region
– LTE in the Asia Pacific
– LTE in Eastern Europe
– LTE in Western Europe
– LTE in North America
– LTE in Latin America
– LTE in the Middle East and Africa

For more details on report visit Research and Markets.

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